Wednesday, April 22
nd, will be the beginning of W.O.W.
I'm so excited about those of you who have told me you are planning on it! I hope there are others out there planning to join us, too.
Here's everything you need to know:
What is W.O.W.? W.O.W. stands for Within One Week. Those of us who are playing this week will choose a project or to-do item that we'd like to accomplish within one week's time- Wednesday 4/22 to Wednesday 4/29.
Is this just about housecleaning?No! The projects I choose tend to be house related because that's my job and I get behind so easily. : ) This can be ANYTHING you want to get done in one week and need extra motivation to get it done.
(e.g. business or work related, fitness goals, craft projects, Bible Study, etc.)
How do I join in?
1. Choose your project
2. Write a blog post about your goal for the week. Before pictures are fun but not required.
3. Please link back to my blog and invite your blog readers to join us.
4. On Wednesday, I'll put up a Mr.
Linky list where you can add a link to your blog post. (Don't worry- it's easy and my post on Wednesday will tell you how)
5. Work on your project throughout the week.
6. Visit the other participants often throughout the week to cheer them on.
7. (Optional) You can do update posts throughout the week to let us know how it's going.
8. Next Wednesday, April 29
th, write a wrap-up post letting us know if you met your goal.
9. Come back to my blog on the 29
th to see the final instructions and to enter for the
MAJOR AWARD! Hee HeeWhat is the Major Award?One lucky person will win coffee on me ($5 Starbucks card or cash if he/she is not a coffee fan)
The rest of us will have to settle with the satisfaction of a job well done. : )
I'm still hoping for more prizes. If you'd like to contribute to the prize pot, let me know.
I wish I was rich and famous and could cough up a real major award, but I will make this deal with you- If we get at least 10 people playing along, I'll up the prize to $10. I know, I know....I'm SO generous!
Hee Hee. So don't forget to invite people to play along.
Are there rules?Of course!
1. Choose something that is doable in one week. Stressing yourself out is FORBIDDEN!
2. Don't spend money you don't have to spend. I'm a Dave Ramsey fan- only spend what you've budgeted for!
3. Have fun
4. Cheer the other players on throughout the week
5. Feel good about whatever you accomplish even if you aren't able to get the whole thing done in a week.
OK...Last question-
Do I have to have a blog in order to play along?NOPE!
Just leave your goal in the comments section of my post on Wednesday morning. We'll cheer you on through my blog. Then you can tell us how you did by leaving a comment on the 29
th. You'll still be included in the drawing for the MAJOR AWARD!!!! : )
I'm still deciding what my project will be. Guess I'll have to decide before Wednesday!