It reminds me of January, when I was stuck in this fog. I've just been blue and discouraged and overwhelmed.
But today, I'm feeling more hopeful and ready to fight the blues.
So here's my prescription for myself:
1. Read the quote on my blog banner. CELEBRATE the beauty in my ordinary, but WONDERFUL life.
2. Gratitude: If I'm intentional and really look, I'll see gifts from God EVERYWHERE! Count my blessings one by one...I think it's time for another edition of my 1,000 Gifts posts.
3. Quit wasting so much time online. I am embarrassed to admit it, but in these blues, while feeling lonely and bored and restless and stuck on the couch, I've spent way too much time surfing the net, email, Twitter, my blog dashboard, Facebook, etc. searching for connection with the world, for friendship, affirmation, and validation of the things I came home with in my heart after the conference two weeks ago. Remember that old song?
Looking for love in all the wrong places...
4. Movement and fresh air and sunshine. I've been stuck inside and immobile this week with a back injury, so now that I'm healing, I really need me some endorphins. Even if that just means walking around the block.
5. Prayer time and Worship. Time to get my eye off of me and on to Him.
I'm ready for some fresh perspective, and a cheerier blog post next time. Thanks for indulging me tonight. : )
By the Way-
Don't miss my latest giveaway from Zonderkidz ~
And not to use manipulation or anything, but comments ALWAYS cheer me up. Hee Hee. : )

"It is not the critic who counts;
not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly;
who errs and comes short again and again;
who knows great enthusiasms,
the great devotions;
who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly
so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
~ Theodore Roosevelt
Your love language must be "words of affirmation" like mine is. :)
I always appreciate your blog posts, Becky. Your so open and honest...and fun. We all fight the blues sometimes and it is especially hard when you're coming down from what Jill called a "mountaintop experience" like She Speaks. But the fruit is in the valley. :) Keep perspective and keep looking Him! :)
A back injury can do that to anyone! You'll be back up and at em in no time. Hope you're feeling better soon. That's a great list to follow on those rougher days :) On any day for that matter!
Becky, I'm praying for you my friend. And though I can't relate to the back injury there have been the blues. Last week was worse, but God is redirecting my thoughts and focus! Didn't realize my "Look at Me" talk was really written for when I'd come home. Satan does want to discourage, distract and depress you, but Christ has already won the battle. Keep moving on one step at a time! Blessings, Jill
Wow, you already have so many great comments I have nothing left to say--except that you are loved! Mom
My response is a little late. And I am so glad that you are feeling better! I too have been really blue for the last two weeks. And I too recognize that there so many reasons to be hopeful and fight! I'm certain that this is an attack. I think that I will "steal" some of your prescriptions...they are awesome! Thanks for encouraging me through your sharing.
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