We are in the middle of a fun blog carnival and would love to have you join us! Read all about it
You can jump in at any point and just add a week to your starting day. One participant will win a Starbucks drink on me.
Here are the ladies playing along. Stop by and cheer them on!
Bloggers NEED comments. Even if you don't know the person, send them some love. : )
Me : ) I'm working on my Master Bedroom. (Update below)
Alyce: She is working on her office. I'm so excited to see how it turns out, Alyce. I love your green wall paint! Do you remember what color that is?
Angie: Poor Angie! She has the hardest job of all of us.....MOVING! Yuck! Make sure you cheer her on.
Kimberly: Kimberly is working on an office space, too. She is a girl after my own heart.....books and
scrapbooking. Tough stuff to organize!
Mia: Mia has a closet full of baby girl clothes to organize. You should stop by and cheer her on and read about her miracle baby, Sage.
6. My Mom: She is working on her Master Bedroom, too. I guess it is hereditary! : ) Mom doesn't have a blog, so cheer her on from here. Mom, if you want, I can post before and after pictures on my blog for you.
Having other people paying attention and cheering us on has been a great motivator. If you have a project or room you've been putting off, don't miss out!
I was so motivated, my Master Bedroom is already clean and clutter free. I'm going to deep clean the bathroom today and move on to some decorating. It feels so good to have it clean. I crawled into my clean sheets and looked around at the clutter free room last night and sighed a sigh of contentment. : ) I could actually bring my baby home to this bedroom. : )
Even though it is clean now, it still looks slightly like a bachelor pad. (comforter that was bought for a queen bed and not replaced when we upgraded to a King size two years ago, no curtains, TV tray for a nightstand, bare bathroom w/ no throw rugs). I sat down with Pat and asked him if I could use a tiny bit of the Tax Refund we got on Friday to update a little in our Master Bedroom. It is supposed to be used to stimulate the economy, right? : )
He said, "How much do you want?" Oh, King Charming, Oh how I love you!!!!
I don't know if I'll be able to pull off the decorating in one week, too, but I'll try! Stay tuned for the results! It will definitely be "on a budget decorating" but even a little update will be fun. : )
I'll post my results on Wednesday or Thursday with another Mr.
Linky and then leave it open for a few days to make sure we give everyone enough time to finish up their WOW results posts. Can't wait to see!