Hugs for the hero! Little sister found Spot!

Back in her arms where he belongs!

HALLELUJAH!! I sent the kids out to play in the backyard this afternoon. They weren't out there for more than 10 minutes before they came crashing in the door, screaming with joy. "We found Spot! We found Spot!"
It reminds me of the Velveteen Rabbit. Poor Spot was left outside for three weeks on a swing set we haven't used because of bad weather. He is a little beat up and stinky, but nothing a good bath in my washing machine won't cure.
THANK YOU for caring about this little girl and praying that Spot would be found. It feels so good to not have to search any more. I love that dumb toy! : )

Hooray! God is good and HE cares about a little girl's "dumb toy"! I could jump up and down with glee myself!
I love spot.Even know though my mom says he is dumm.Thake you evryone for praying.
congrats everyone. You can now sleep at night knowing spot is safe in your arms and bed.
Hi I never left you a comment before. I got your blog from my friend Jamie. I saw you left a comment on my blog. I enjoy reading your blog and getting to know you and your family. You're welcome to stop by and read my blog more often. I just wanted to add how wonderful your daughter found her dog. They may be simple and little things to us, but they mean the world to a child. I bet she was very excited to have her spot back.
Yay!!! I'm so happy for all of you! Hopefully Spot will appreciate being safe and sound inside where he belongs!
Praise the Lord! :) I bet you will sleep well tonight Karissa!
Oh, yippee! :)
Dear Oldest Princess!
Your mom uses the word "dumb"
as an endearing term for your beloved friend Spot! She loves him, too. I'm so happy that the Lord helped you and your sister find your friend. Nothing is ever a waste of time for your Heavenly Father.
How wonderful! I love that the Lord cares about our spotted stuffed puppies. He truly is a kind and loving Heavenly Father! How grateful I am for Spot's safe return. Hope she/he enjoys the spa treatment via the washing machine!
What a great story your girls will have to tell someday!
I am so glad he was found! WOOHOO
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