Sunday, November 2, 2008

More Fun With Apples

The girls and I had so much fun this morning. They got it into their heads that they wanted to make homemade applesauce. I blew them off at first and then I thought, "Why not?"

So I got online and found a recipe on
It was so easy!

4 apples, peeled, cored, and chopped
3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of brown sugar (or white)
A few shakes of cinnamon
Put cut-up apples, sugar, cinnamon, and water into a 2-quart saucepan. Cover and cook at medium heat (simmering) for 15-20 minutes. Let apples cool, then mash them with a fork. 4 servings

Actually, here's one more MOST IMPORTANT ingredient:

And instead of a fork, we used my hand blender. It made a more familiar consistency.

As you can see, we ate it ALL up! It was delicioso!!! But don't take my word for it:

My only complaint is that this recipe didn't make enough. We all only got about 3 tablespoons each. (They were small apples) I think I'll triple the recipe next time (I wouldn't double or triple the sugar though, it was plenty for even more apples). Or even better, I think I'm going to make up a big batch next year and can them for the winter. (Wish I knew how..hint hint Mom? Recycling Man?) It sure made our house smell good again! Now if the cleaning fairy would just show up and clean up around here, it would be a perfect Norman Rockwell scene.


Anonymous said...

I just made 28 quarts--so I'll share. But, mine doesn't have 1/4 C of brown sugar for every 4 apples! No wonder it was so great. In fact mine didn't have any sugar at all, so you probably wont like it, but we think it is great. Thanks for the pictures. I miss you all more than I can say. Can't wait for another week long visit.

Katy said...

We are going to go make it right now! YUMMY!! We have a bunch of apples left from bobbing!!

Angie said...

Those girls are so cute and I love them!! Please tell them that for me.

I don't know anything about canning but I do know that I've frozen apple sauce before and it worked great. Just thought I'd share...Talk to you soon!

zandyk said...

I did this a few weeks ago for Matthias and he loved it! I would love to can some next year too. I've never canned anything before so I'd have to read up on it! The girls sounded like they liked it!