Two friends of mine are suffering right now. One is grieving loss and one is grieving unfulfilled dreams. I know the hurt they are going through right now and I'm so thankful that this is not it.
I can't wait.
I can't wait to live the way we were made to live.
I can't wait to worship Him face to face.
I can't wait to live a life without pain, suffering, fear, or shame.
I can't wait to love people unselfishly and with pure love.
I can't wait to experience real joy and see real beauty.
I can't wait for every knee to bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
My heart breaks lately when I think of my friends and family and neighbors who don't know Jesus. It hurts inside so much. I can see their faces. During my run today, I looked at each house and wondered, "Do they know Him?"
It makes me wish I had the talent for helping people see Him, to inspire them to want Him. I wish I could do or say something to express to my loved ones that don't know Him, how much they need Him, how empty life is without Him, and how important it is to give their lives to Him.
I understand doubt. I understand confusion over religion. But I know Jesus. He's the answer to everything.
And someday I'm going to see Him face to face!
There will be a day when He comes back and I can't wait for that day!
Looking forward and upward~
Could it be today?
By the way, I read this beautiful post today and wanted to encourage you to stop by and read it, too.