Only 9 more days to go. WHOO HOO!!!!!!
I had an OB appointment that went really well, but my cervix needs to do something before next week. I'm absolutely zero dilated and absolutely zero effaced.
I'm determined to do all I can to get things happening. I just got home from an hour walk, I'm drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea, and doing squats. I've also been, uh...enjoying my husband a lot(is that a polite enough way to say it?)
Is there anything I'm missing? Any old wives tales I can try? (Besides castor oil...yuck)
Comment away, dear readers.....
Wahoo!! Single digits!! That is great!! Can't wait to see pictures of Monster Truck soon! :-)
Sorry the only advice I have is to keep enjoying that hubby of yours (sure he won't mind it a bit)
I'm blushing! Mom
Now I'm blushing because your mom is blushing :)
True story: With ALL 3 kids I delivered naturally, I visited the doctor the DAY before they were born and was 0% everything - NO progress at all, and the next morning I would be in labor. So sometimes that just can't be a determining factor of when you'll go into labor.
The night I went into labor (six days early!) we ate fried chicken. Hubs said it "greased the way," disgusting, I know.
Also, the dog got out, so I too went for a nice long walk thru the neighborhood looking for him!
P.S. I'm praying for a healthy baby and a smooth, easy delivery!
BECKY!!!! You are so in trouble!
I swear by walking. With my third child (the only one who went past the due date), I picked out the day I wanted to have him, filled a giant mug with water, put on my walking shoes, and took off around the neighborhood. I must have walked a total of 10 miles that day, went to the hospital at 7 p.m., and he was born five hours later.
Hey Becky,
Glad things have gone so well. Deffinately keep 'enjoying' pat as much as possible. Also, try to lunge up the stairs. Go two or three steps and lean way into it. Wait in the posision until you feel a bit of nice burning. ( They had me do this at the hospital. )
Are you going to post some preggo pics?
I have heard that lavender works, although it didn't for me. I bathed in a lavender bath, used lavender body wash and lavender lotion afterwards, but who knows, it might work for you!
Hehehe...GO PAT!
I tired it all and I don't think any of it worked for me. I still needed "help" with three out of four. I walked and walked with Zac. Don't give up though..keep trying everything.
Can't wait to meet this baby Benjamin.
First I love that Pat wrote on your blog.
Second - Curb walking worked for me with Caitlin. One foot on the curb one in the gutter and walk a mile and back or more.
I've heard greasy foods work too.
What an obliging husband you have! He he he!
recycling man approves this message with "no blushing".
Stick with Pat. I'm SURE thats the right answer!
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