He made his appearance at 3:52 PM today. He weighed 8 lbs, 9 oz and is 21 1/4 inches long. It was a joyful and exciting day. He's perfectly healthy, and mom? Well, his mom is stunning...beautiful, brave, strong...just awesome!

Daddy's proud...and in love already. His son. And little Benjamin looks like him, at least in the chin and mouth. And if the little guy has half his dad's spunk? Watch out world!

His sisters could hardly wait to get their hands on him.
There was quite the lineup of people waiting to meet Benjamin...it was almost comical how we all sat there and just looked at poor Becky!

Jen and I were both thrilled to be able to part of this special day. Jen and Becky have been great friends for years and years. It was a nice coincidence that Jen's hubby happened to be in the hospital having jaw surgery...Jen got to sneak down and visit Becky from time to time :)

Is there anything better than a newborn babe? And this one is particulary sweet and beautiful. I wonder if he'll ever understand just how anticipated he was...how cherished he was before he was even born.
"For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands."
Psalm 92:4
So glad he's here, and you're both healthy.
Hi Avella Family, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He is so beautiful! May the Lord bless you more and more everyday! Thank you so much for sharing, we are so happy for you!!! the Meerdinks
Oh I am so happy for you all! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!
Congrats! He is beautiful!
Madeline said, "yook! Becky's baby isn't in her bewy anymore. Now he can pway with me and my bwocks, ok mommy?! We are all very happy for you!
Sellers Family
Praise God. There is not much more to say. He is so good. And Thanks AGAIN Daiquiri for being there for Becky. What a JOY this day was. Mom
What wonderful news that your son is in your arms after this long journey! I am so happy for you guys and cannot wait to meet him!!
He is wonderful! Look at that perfect face!
Congratulations Becky! What a great day! I'm so glad your friend put up these pictures because from the time I heard he was born (from Nana) I have been looking for pictures! He is so so so cute! Can't wait to meet him in person! Love you bunches!
He's here!! Safe, sound and perfect. I'm so happy for you Becky, I know this little man will grow to be a great and strong one.
With Love-
Congratulations to your family. I can't wait to meet this little man.
Thank you Thank you, I have been thinking about her all day! Tell them all that we love them and can't wait to meet our new cousin!
PRAISE JESUS! Welcome to the world little monster truck.
He's just beautiful. Good goin' mamma.
Love you my bloggy friend,
I can't stop crying tears of joy for you! He is so beautiful! I know I'm supposed to say handsome but that just doesn't seem to describe the true beauty of this little blessing. Thank you Jesus for your goodness! Still praying for you,
your sister in Wisconsin
Congrats Becky & family!!! Knowing the trials you've gone through, with having some of the same, I can imagine the joy that little Benjamin has brought to your family! I wish you the best!!!
What beautiful pictures!!!
Only a month or less until I can experience that joy after tragedy.
So glad everyone is doing well!
He is so pretty.
God bless you all!!
What an unexpected blessing to have been there with you all. Holding your little man and seeing the joy on all of your faces was an incredible experience. Every time I think about it I get all teary-eyed!
Congratulations dear, sweet friends.
Love, Jen
I'm so happy for you guys! He's such a cute baby. Hope we get to meet him soon!! Now I can't wait for my baby to be here!! And I still have 5 months.
I am praising the Lord with you!!! So glad he is here safe and sound!!!! What a journey...
I look forward to meeting him. Praise God!
I am so excited for your family. What a beautiful thing a new baby is! God bless you and your family as you transition to a family of five.
Praying for you to recover quickly. :)
I am so glad for you Becky!! So happy all went well for you and he's here, healthy and very handsome!! I can't wait to see and hear all about him in your blogs to come! God bless!
Colleen (Katy's sister-in-law)
Hi! I'm new here, through a trail of links on blogs - but had to say congratulations!!
I just found out 2 weeks ago today that I'm pregnant again - and seeing such a precious baby makes me more excited than ever!
The Lord's great to bless us with such miracles!
Congratulations! He is finally here! What a precious baby! We can't wait to meet him!
Congratulations to you all!! He is beautiful and the child you have prayed for through all of life's ups and downs. GOD is so awesome to give us such good gifts : ) God Bless you all~
I am so happy Benjamin got here safely and soundly. He is a doll! I've been checking in for awhile now (I'm Katy's friend), and I so enjoy your blogs and your writing. Congratulations on your new little blessing, and I look forward to seeing him grow through your blogs.
awwwww -- congratulations! he's beautiful!
Congrats! I know the feeling of a newborn! My baby is 3 weeks old. I have been trying to keep up with Becky, but have been away from the computer for a few weeks. I'm so glad all is well.
Your kid is purdy darn cute...he even smells good.
Congratulations! Hope you are enjoying these precious moments with your newborn son!!
I just checked my email, found out the wonderful news, and went straight to your blog to find out the details. Congratulations on your long awaited arrival. We know this little one took a miracle and we are so happy for you.
Jeff and Vicky Stone
He's gorgeous, Becky! Oh, I'm so, so very pleased for your entire family. What an awesome God we serve! Can't wait to watch him grow up on your blog! ;)
Love you,
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