Thursday, December 11, 2008

King Charming and the Steam Mop

I asked for a steam mop for Christmas, but King Charming won't get it for me.

Whenever I tell him I want one, he gets this panicked look in his eyes and says, "I'm sorry. I can't do it. I will not be the guy who got you a mop for Christmas. I can hear it now, "So, Charming, what did you get your wife for Christmas? No way! You got her a MOP!!!'"

I keep insisting, "But it will make my life easier, so that's a good gift."

I just didn't get it until my wise friend, Jen, sent me this video. Now I understand!


Anonymous said...

As soon as I read you wanted a mop for Christmas, I thought about this video!

Too funny!

Kinslee said...

Thanks for sharing that! I got some good laughs.

Hilty Sprouts said...

Wasn't that hilarious?

The Jernigan Family said...

Isn't it funny how we get older and become mommy's and our idea of a great Christmas present is a mop or one year in my case a vaccuume. It was just like when I got the power wheel when I was little, the excitement that came with it. It would be fun for Uncle Mike and my dad to go through Cabelas with their grand girls. Oh by the way Andy is having a baby boy at end of March. I know, I am on the last Twilight books, and I still say, I still don't know why this is so intriguing to me, but it is. I keep justifying that because it is set in Washington. I was at Target and the only thing you could see were all these different vampire books by different authors jumping on the band wagon. You should give it a whirl. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas, and you get everything your heart desires (including the mop)

Anonymous said...

Babe, Your dad definitely did not go to the doghouse this year! When he got home today he gave me my anniversary present (35 yrs). It was a string of pearls and matching earrings. Now how do I match that? Any ideas out there? I have until the 15th--our actual date. I don't want to be the only female in the dog house!