The URL has been forwarding to my blog while I waited for the website to be finished, but starting today that address will take you directly to the new website. Please stop by and check it out I'd love your feedback. : )
The next two things on my to do list are a blog makeover- it's long overdo- and getting And Then You Were Gone released on Kindle.
I hope you all are having a blessed Monday!

Woo Hoo! Your website is beautiful! Congratulations!
Becky, I love your website! It is beautiful and it was so cool to finally be able to see it :)
Congratulations on the website. It looks really nice!
Congratulations on your site!! It looks fabulous! You look so professional!!
Congrats on the new website! It looks great!! Very exciting! So thankful to see where God is taking you. He is so good! ((Hugs))
congrats on the new website!
Thanks everyone!
I've been out of commission for a while since bringing our son home but wanted to congratulate you on the website and all of the amazing things that are happening for you right now. Trulyhappy for you!
Becky, I just went back and read your website again from beginning to end. I'm so proud of you. It is perfect and beautiful. I hope it brings even more people into your ministry. Also, I'm excited to hear that you are putting your book on Kindle. Mom
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