"You are my hope, Your promise never fails me. And my desire is to follow You forever. For You are good, For You are good, For You are good to me!"
Today was a hard day, emotional and full of everyday life frustrations.
Then I went to check on my kids tonight before I went to bed...
I looked into the crib and saw Prince Charming sprawled out in his red feetie jammies, clutching his blankie, lost in sweet dreams.
I tiptoed into Youngest Princess' room, pulled back her princess canopy, and listened to her talk in her sleep until she rolled over and pulled her baby doll tight.
I peeked into the bottom bunk and found Oldest Princess there, sleeping in her old room so she could be close to sissy, lying on her side with her hands tucked under her chin, long dark hair framing her sweet "growing up too fast" face.
I knew my life was good. And I wanted to end my day updating my list of 1000 Gifts. I wanted to fall asleep remembering His GOODNESS instead of my "light and momentary troubles."
58. The joy of being a part of this sweet fellowship of believers:We still love our "old" "big" church in the city and consider it home, too, but being a part of this "little" church plant out in the country has been an unexpected blessing and given us a wonderful place to call HOME. So excited to be there tomorrow morning, to learn more of God's Word, and to be with people I love.
59. King Charming and how hard he works. For the past year, he has had a hard schedule for work. It has been a challenge for our family to work around the odd hours and stay connected when we are all like "ships passing in the night," but it has been the most difficult for him. I'm so thankful for the sacrifices he makes for us and the amazing way he provides for us.
60. The hope that that shift might change in May. Praying...
61. Being tired today because I got to stay up until the wee hours of the night chatting with sweet friends.
62. The comfortable bed waiting for me.
63. I can lay the frustrations of today down and remember that Your mercies are new every morning. A new day tomorrow!
64. Oh, Lord, thank you for the beautiful gifts asleep upstairs right now. Please bless their lives as abundantly as you have blessed mine. I pray they will grow up in love with you, and will have lives rich with love.
Goodnight bloggy land! I'm going to fall asleep counting my blessings one by one.