Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dumb 'Ol Bees! And More...

Princess A just came home from playing in her friend's backyard with two bee stings in the middle of her forehead and one in her armpit. She must have played too close to a wasp's nest. Poor girl!

That's a baking soda paste on her forehead in the picture. She is upstairs right now getting in the bathtub and feels pretty miserable. She's got a bad cold and now this! I'm downstairs, but I can hear her moaning and saying, "I didn't even do anything to them. I'm not a friend to bees ANY MORE!"

And boy this girl can hold a grudge, let me tell you! Those "dumb 'ol bees" will have to work hard to earn her friendship back. : )

She just came down and said, "Mommy, will you put a picture of me on your blog? I want everyone to know about my bee stings." What can I say? She loves sympathy, just like her Mommy. : )

And here's the "More" part of the post...

Grandma requested more Monster Truck photos. These aren't the greatest photo quality (I'll get you more Mom, I promise) but don't you just love it when babies sleep like this? Arms straight above their heads. He looks so comfy and relaxed. Oh to be so carefree and content.


Andi Deely said...

I use the same wonderful baking soda paste on bee stings - it's amazing how it works so well!

Monster Truck/Ben looks so cute! I love that sleeping position babies do - I wish I could sleep like that but if I tried I would end up hitting Mike in the face!

Congratulations Becky- I am so happy for you guys! You have a beautiful family.

Daiquiri said...

Oh no! Poor Amy! I hope she didn't get them at our house?!? If she did...I'm gonna go out and spray those suckers myself!

Hilty Sprouts said...

Poor Miss A! Give her extra hugs and kisses from us!
Little Prince charming is getting so big! He does look super comfy.


Emma said...

It's amazing how fast baby's change! He's cuter every day. I love the picture of the bee stung head lol. She looks ticked off.

Anonymous said...

Amy--I am so sorry those "dumb ol' bees" stung you. They must have known what a sweet girl you are and thought that meant you would taste sweet too. I'll try to get down and see you all soon. If I could teleport myself, I'd be there right now. I love you, Grandma.

Annee said...

I love how MT looks like he has no legs. So sweet. Makes me miss the peaceful baby moments.