So give us details on yours, how much does he weigh now, how is the breast feeding going, are you getting any sleep, how are the big sisters adjusting to the new boy in the house...what is it like being a mom of 3?
OK, Mia, I aim to please....
1. He weighs about 12 pounds already. Can you believe it? I took him into the pediatrician last week and her words were, "His weight gain is phenomenal!" I guess the "girls" are working. : )
2. Breastfeeding: Well- It's a miracle to me that I've made it six weeks and there are parts of it I love so much. I love the cuddle time, I love how much more convenient and cheap it is compared to formula and bottles, and I love the view I have when I look down and see him. I'm so thankful that it is working, but the thrush is still a problem and painful and I get discouraged. I'm thankful for all of the tips from everyone and I'm hopeful it will go away soon so we can get back to enjoying the nursing.
3. Oh sleep, glorious sleep. Isn't it funny how we don't appreciate the good things in life until they are gone? I can't wait to sleep again. There is hope. He's sleeping longer stretches and we have a pretty good routine and schedule down, so maybe he'll surprise me someday soon. (I hope, I hope, I hope....)
4. My girls ADORE their little BenBen. I wondered if there would be any jealousy issues, but thankfully it hasn't been a problem. They get frustrated with me for not letting them mother him and kiss him and hug him and hold him as much as they want to do.
5. Being a mom of 3: Sometimes it is a juggling act, but I have it pretty easy with the girls being older. They are pretty independent and do a lot to take care of themselves. Plus King Charming is a huge help. He makes them breakfast and gets them off to school. The hardest time of the day for me is the bedtime routine or the times when they all need me and I don't know who to help first. It's weird how much it feels like he has always been a part of our family. I can't believe it has been six weeks, because it has gone so fast, but I also can't believe it has only been six weeks because it feels like we've always had him with us.
I've got a cold right now and it is hard to be the responsible one. I just want to crawl into bed and say, "See you all when I feel better." : ) The house is a mess. I have NO IDEA what the girls are going to wear to school tomorrow because we are totally out of clean clothes. And I often feel housebound. I live for about 8:30 at night for that short window of time when all three kids are asleep, and I can have some me time. The good thing about this being the third time is knowing that this is all temporary. When you have your first baby you think, "My life is over." This time I remember that at about the three month mark life will feel normal again, so I just do my best and hang on until we get to normal again.
It helps to have the cutest, sweetest, bestest kids in the universe, too : )
(Remind me I said that tomorrow night at bedtime)