Sunday, January 3, 2010

OK, Crystal. Here I am! : )

My friend, Crystal, sweetly reminded me that "The holidays are over! Quit slacking and start blogging!"

Or something along those lines. : )

So, Crystal here I am, all rested up and ready to get back to this little 'ol blog I love.

Only, you'll have to wait for more than this because King Charming is waiting for me to go watch a movie. Since he so sweetly put away all the Christmas decorations ALL BY HIMSELF I better not keep him waiting.

I've got lots on my mind though, so I'LL BE BACK!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!



Crystal said...

Pat putting away the Christmas decor stag, is something to blog about! hehe- glad to finally see some blog action.

I think the next blog needs to be about some more 'staches'- if I remember right, Karissa had one that looked much like Super Trooper Pat's.

J said...

Yay! Becky, it was so great to see you today. I so wished we had had more time to chat. Next time! Blessings upon you this week my friend!

Sally Jo said...

Not fair, even my tree is still up. To be truthful, I'm enjoying it more now than at Christmas time. I love sitting in my clean living room, reading a book, with the tree on. Alas, now that I am back to work I'll have to take it down. (but the outdoor lights are staying until the snow goes!) Mom