Thank you, Wanda!
In Loving Memory of Our Precious Little Ones
We didn't get to run with you,
but you beat us to heaven.
We didn't get to teach you,
but you taught us to trust.
We didn't get to hear your voice,
but you taught us to listen.
We didn't get to bathe you,
but you washed us with tears.
We didn't get to comb your hair,
but your beauty is beyond all expectations.
We didn't get to change your diapers,
but you helped us change our hearts forever.
We didn't get to hold you on our laps,
but we'll always hold you in our hearts forever.
We didn't get to show you God's creation,
but now you are with the Creator of all.
We didn't get to play music with you,
but today and forever, you hear the heavenly choir
We didn't get to raise you,
but you caused us to raise our heads toward Him
whom we can and must trust.
We love you our precious babies, and always will!
-By Keith Wells, father of little Violet
And I love you, David, Micah, James, and Sarah. Thank you for the beauty you've brought me.
Your Mommy