If you are unfamiliar with W.O.W., it stands for Within One Week. We each choose a goal to work on for one week, write a blog post about it, and then visit each other's blogs to cheer each other on. At the end of the week, we write a blog post about how it went and we all celebrate together. I draw a name from the participants and send that person a Starbucks card so they can have a coffee on me for all of their hard work.
You can click on the W.O.W. label on my sidebar to see some of the past challenges and posts. It does not need to be a house project- it could be anything that you would love to see done, but never gets done because other things take higher priority. What about you, is there a business goal, fitness goal, craft project, house project, etc. that has been nagging at you? Wouldn't it feel great to have it done? It is always more fun to do it with cheerleaders! And doesn't free coffee sound good? YUM!
I'll post the kick-off on Monday. For now, just think about what your goal for the week is, then link up on Monday so we can cheer you on throughout the week. (I can help with that if you don't know how and YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A BLOG TO PLAY WITH US.)
I always get so inspired by all of your projects and goals. I can't wait to see what you all will be up to next week!