I have been a terrible blogger! I have so much to tell you all about! Our family has been up to a lot these past few weeks!
But I want to begin with some
This Thanksgiving Day, I had so much to be thankful for: a wonderful family, good food, a roof over our head, love, and razors.
???? Yep. I was thankful for a razor.
I bet you all were not aware that November is 'STACHE month, were you!
Yes, indeed, my husband came home earlier this month and
informed me that
he had been informed at work that he would be required to GROW A MOUSTACHE!!! As a new supervisor he really needed to to play along, to be a team player, yadi yadi yada...
I'm not a fan of hairy faces. Not even a little bit. Tom Selleck was the closest to looking
OK with a mustache, and I'm sure he would have been cuter without one. To say the least, I was not thrilled about King Charming's announcement or his ever increasing 'stache.
I kept watching it grow, until one day I no longer recognized the man I married:

I just closed my eyes and kissed him anyway. : )
And pretended I didn't know him when we were in public. I'm such a sweet, supportive wife.
I even accused him of developing a lisp:
Thop that you thilly thavage!!!
To which he replied:
Whacha talkin' bout, Willis! Thanksgiving night he obliged me and ended 'stache month a few days early.
AHHHHH, I am one content, happy woman, enjoying my smooth faced man.
I just realized I haven't taken a picture of the restored King Charming. I've been too busy kissing him. : )